
Four specific topics where nonlinearity plays a crucial role in micro/nanosystems will be covered during this symposium. In each of them, nonlinear phenomena can be considered at any level, from the theoretical model to the post-process analysis, including the design of the system, its modelisation and the actual experiments.


Sensors and actuators

While most of today's micro/nanotransducers are based on well established concepts, nonlinear dynamics continues to demonstrate new, disruptive ways to interact with our environment by enhancing their figures of merit or by adding new functionnalities, at the core of this session.

Invited speaker:

  • Ashwin Seshia, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
  • Jérôme Juillard, GeePs, Paris, France


Energy harvesting

This session focuses on the different sources of nonlinearity that may appear or be exploited during the process of energy harvesting or power transfert, such as within the media, the physical source of energy conversion, or the circuit handling the energy being transfered.

Invited speaker:

  • Dimitri Galayko, LIP6, Paris, France
  • Adrien Morel, SYMME, Annecy-le-Vieux, France


Computation and machine learning 

This broad session will present new challenges associated with computation at the device and at the system level, from adiabatic operations to machine learning assisted analysis of micro/nanosystems.

Invited speaker:

  • Pierpaolo Belardinelli, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy
  • Damien Querlioz, C2N, Paris, France


Model systems

Micro/nanosystems give the opportunity to explore universal concepts and to push the limits of the fundamental scientific knowledge, from mode coupling to multiphysics interactions. This session highlights how these model systems enable to investigate nonlinear dynamics and its significance at a comprehensive level.

Invited speakers:

  • Eddy Collin, Institut Néel, Grenoble, France
  • Xin Zhou, IEMN, Lille, France
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